Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On Rock 'n' Roll and Danger

I just found this neat little blurb I wrote a long time ago, in my former life as a rock star. The circumstances surrounding its conception are no longer relevant, either to my life or to its meaning. Still, I enjoyed it and wanted to put it somewhere where I wouldn't lose it again.

On Rock 'n' Roll and Danger:

Living out tired cliches is not revolutionary, no matter how hard you throw yourself at them. But here's another one for the list you live: The empty can rattles the most.

You are not dangerous if you pose no threat to anyone but yourself. Self-destruction is neither beautiful nor glorious, neither glamorous nor stunning. Like self-aggrandizement, it is only sad and ugly, and people only pay attention until it's over. Then they shake their heads and walk away.

I'm walking away.