Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Finally Free

This is another scrap from some forgotten time. I just came across it, and although there's a lot I might change about it, it once again captures a moment and feeling in my life just as it is.

I grew from your shadow like a monolith--
a dark thing of mystery and potential.
--power for progress. or destruction.

The strength that you taught me always forced me to smile:
A scared child inside, to the world a conqueror.

And you were finally free, unchained and wild.
And I, alone, left behind.

Even in absence, you were a model.
"Don't look back," cried your silence over miles.
Let past lives be buried. Move on from old weaknesses.

And you were finally free...

I don't miss your shadow or its shelter
from cowards' eyes or the burning sun.
But you were larger than your shade. You also cast light.

Times when I burned to cry to you, you made me too strong to cry.
When I wanted to feel flesh, you taught me to make myself stone.
Bodies accomplish by the power of wills. A man is as strong as his mind.
I learned from you that limits are just what you let them be.

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